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Different churches have differing beliefs. Pershore Christadelphians encourage everyone to study the Bible for themselves. Explore these web pages for views on various topics.

The resurrection of Jesus: what it means for us

Our Bible Talk on Sunday 1st April considered the resurrection of Jesus. Today it seems not many people believe the Bible account. Yet the reality of the resurrection is of critical importance to any future hope for a Christian. According to a 2017 survey, a quarter of Christians say the resurrection of Jesus didn’t happen, with only 17% of the population believing the Bible version word-for-word . Perhaps more surprisingly, a 2002 study suggested doubt among the clergy was even higher, perhaps even as much as a third. Yet the Bible account is clear.


Cornelius, a Roman centurion, lived in Caesarea shortly after the Lord Jesus. Although he was a soldier, he and his family believed in God, prayed and respected the moral teachings of the Jews. But he had never fully committed his life to God by being baptised. Why? Perhaps he hadn’t heard about baptism yet, or maybe he thought he was not good enough. We find Cornelius’s story in the Bible in Acts 10 and it is a wonderful story of spiritual development.


After trekking up a mountain, there's a particular feeling you get when you finally stand at the top and take in the view. It’s the same feeling when you see the ocean spreading out beyond the horizon, or when lying back on a clear night to see the endless stars shining down. You can't help but stop and stare at the earth, sea and sky and their phenomenal beauty. The feeling they evoke is a simultaneous mix of awe and humility – the vastness and scale accentuates our own smallness. These experiences reinforce the idea that there is something or someone bigger and greater than us.

Believing is seeing

Have you ever spent time looking high and low for something that you just can't find – your keys, your phone, a bag, a book – only to have somebody else point to it straightaway, right there in plain view? It can be so frustrating! It's well established in biological science that not everything a person 'sees' at any given moment is really there. Where the optic nerve connects to the retina at the back of each eye is a spot with no photoreceptors. Every image that our brain receives from our eyes has a 'blind spot'.

Should Christians Vote?

The Truth may surprise you!

Give your life a new perspective

All of us experience difficulties in our lives which seem tricky to solve. Over the last ten years alone, many, perhaps including you, have experienced both good times and bad. Whether that is personally, or looking at the greater whole, we witness contrasts running parallel to one another. Whilst some gain more freedom, others suffer fear; some obtain higher living standards, yet others, financial ruin; floods in our part of the world – drought in others. We are left constantly wondering where to turn to for help in both global matters and in daily life.

Read the Bible with us in 2017!

An invitation to join us in reading the Bible in 2017! Why? We believe the Bible is God's message to us telling us where we came from, the meaning of life and where we are going (in essence, God's plan for this earth). This is backed up through archaeological evidence, a consistent message (the Bible was written by many writers, all inspired by God, over thousands of years) including predictions that have been proven accurate through history and point to a wonderful future to come.

Who really chooses world leaders?

Most people would reason that world leaders in the western world are democratically elected, appointed by the masses. In this video, we look at what the Bible has to say about this and consider the implications of a world where leaders are appointed by the God of Heaven.

Brexit: no surprise to the Bible reader

Today Britain looks set to leave the EU. The process could take 2 years, however during the campaign and with the Leave result of the referendum, with the Bible in hand there is little surprise at the result. Ezekiel 38 refers to a great battle in the last days, which will ultimately result in God's Kingdom being established on the earth with the Lord Jesus Christ reigning as king. It is a glorious age to come when there will be true peace and plenty on the earth.

Finding Contentment

Why does everyone in the 21st century struggle so hard for contentment? What is stopping us from being satisfied? From childhood it seems we have been programmed to want more and more. We are rarely satisfied, constantly searching for a state of contentment that we think will only be found when we get that promotion, run the marathon, get into a lasting relationship, receive a pay rise, pass the exam, win the lottery… Seeking contentment is usually unsatisfying. We become trapped in a never-ending cycle of striving, perhaps sometimes achieving, but never being truly content.

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