About Us
We are the Christadelphians, a community and fellowship based on a shared understanding of the Bible, in Pershore (United Kingdom).
The name 'Christadelphian' means "brothers (and sisters) in Christ". We have been known by this name for well over 100 years and there are Christadelphians to be found in countries all over the world.
Our aim is to live by faith in Jesus Christ, according to the teaching of his followers from the first century AD. We believe that those who follow Jesus now, seeking God's strength and forgiveness, may confidently place their hope in the return of Jesus Christ to the earth, when he will bring eternal life to his people, and establish in power the long-promised Kingdom of God.
The Key Christadelphian beliefs are:
The Bible is God's word and the only message from him. It is without error, except for copying and translation errors
There is only one God - the Father. The Holy spirit is God's power. Jesus is the Son of God, and a human being, through his mother Mary.
By living a sinless life Jesus has opened the way of salvation from death.
Jesus is currently in Heaven, on God's right hand. He will one day return.
When he returns he will rule the earth and give immortality to those who have tried to follow him and do the will of God. His followers will help him to rule.
Man is mortal, having no existence when dead. The reward for the faithful is eternal life on earth after Christ's return.
Baptism is essential for salvation
We hope this website will help you understand our beliefs and our hope for the future!