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Different churches have differing beliefs. Pershore Christadelphians encourage everyone to study the Bible for themselves. Explore these web pages for views on various topics. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. ( Romans 12:2, NKJV ) Our salvation depends on bringing our minds into harmony with God – how He thinks, how He feels, what is important to Him. Believing the Gospel is only the beginning. It takes a lifetime of tireless effort to achieve. Naturally, the mind is estranged from God and all His ideas ( Romans 8:7 ; 1 Corinthians 2:14 ).Transforming it to reflect God does not happen all at once. I'm often struck by the fact there are always limitations, boundaries, constraints with life as we know it. If we are blessed to have enough to eat, clothes to wear and somewhere warm and dry to live, then indeed we should be thankful to our Creator. Yet sometimes we might find ourselves thinking that what we really need to meet our desire is beyond our reach – a more exotic meal, that particular garment, a bigger house. Our world, of course, is only too keen to convince us of our need of these things to make us happy… and to part with our money in order to fulfil it! Autumn spreads her panoply of glorious colours across the land. A pageant of tones assails the eye, from gilded yellows though fiery amber to the richness of gorgeous reds. Spring’s fair blossom flowers find fulfilment in abundant fruitfulness, ripe windfalls a harvest abundance awaiting collection. And yet, behind all its beauties, Autumn marks inevitable progress towards winter. The haziness of long summer days regretfully recedes into the memory. Soon, abundant colour will give way to bare branches and the countryside will begin to take on a skeletal appearance. Deep in our hearts all of us know that prayer is vital for our spiritual development; without it there can be no true fellowship with God, power for effective witness or holiness of character. The more we pray, the opposition of the flesh becomes weaker, communion with God becomes sweeter and the presence of the Lord sheds its radiance throughout our lives. Why is it although we all recognize the vital role of prayer that we neglect very often to pray as much as we ought? The reasons are not far to seek. The first is a natural sluggishness against which we all have to contend. Mountains are often peaceful, contemplative places. They are often mentioned in Scripture and we can learn many lessons from events associated with them. Mount Ararat: salvation Genesis tells us Noah’s life was saved by remaining in the ark when the earth was flooded. Genesis 8:4 records that the ark came to rest on Mount Ararat and he was able to walk out into a new life. Peter in his letter tells us baptism is the equivalent for us. Noah obeyed God by building the ark and was ‘saved by water’ in the Ark. Recently, at our Sunday evening meeting, we had a Bible talk about the Kingdom of God. We asked everyone to write down what they thought was the main reason Jesus was going to come back to establish God's Kingdom. We had some wonderful answers, from adults and children alike. Here are a few: "To restore his creation to perfection" "Because the world needs a Saviour and a helper before it is destroyed completely" "Because He wants to be with us" What grand thoughts! All are ideas we find in the Bible - and Jesus will make them a reality when he returns. We took our Youth Group rock climbing at a local indoor climbing centre recently. We all had a great time and finished the day with a bible thought. David must have been an expert rock climber! In his youth as a shepherd boy, when on the run from Saul, and in his campaigns as a leader of the armies of Israel. For him the rocks, mountains and caves where places of safety and security. Why? Because rocks are big and heavy, solid and immovable - they are not going anywhere! The Bible Book of Proverbs is not merely a collection of witty remarks. It is a treasure-chest of spiritual wisdom. The words were spoken by Solomon, ancient King of Israel, but in common with the rest of Holy Scripture, they are from God Himself. After all, Solomon himself requested God’s wisdom in order to rule the people of Israel and he was given “a wise and understanding heart” ( 1 Kings 3:12 ). Many of the words he spoke were a goad to careful thought ( Ecclesiastes 12:9-12 ). The big day has come and gone! We may well have eaten too much, enjoyed giving and receiving lots of nice presents and seen family and friends this time of year. It's a time of fun and festivity for many people, it's also a time when shops make a lot of money in the mass commercialism in the run up to the event, and in the sales afterwards. But why? What's special about Christmas? Many people, in answer to this question, will say it's to remember the birth of Jesus Christ, the son of God. Israel and the Middle East seem to constantly dominate our news agenda. Recent events between Israel and the Palestinians are among others in numerous skirmishes between the 2 sides. Many consider the situation to be impossible to resolve. Others try, but have so far failed to produce any lasting peace. But how has the situation become so bad? Why did the fighting start in the first place and will it ever be resolved? The Bible tells us that God’s plan is centred on the nation of Israel. God's plan will result in lasting world peace, and we have the chance to be part of it, if we want to be.Read the Bible every day!
Breaking free from our limitations
The Fall
A prayerless life can never be a God-guided life
Mountains in the Bible
1000 years of the Kingdom of God
He is our Rock
Proverbs: the wisdom of God
The Real Christmas
Peace in the Middle East?
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