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Different churches have differing beliefs. Pershore Christadelphians encourage everyone to study the Bible for themselves. Explore these web pages for views on various topics. What Jesus Did and Why It Matters The final three years of Jesus’ mortal life were totally focussed on talking to people, and his teachings and actions have had a remarkable effect on our world ever since. As the apostle Peter later said, Jesus was “a man attested by God to you by miracles, wonders, and signs which God did through him” (Acts 2:22). In other words, God performed many miracles through Jesus in order to demonstrate to mankind that Jesus was God’s son. An Unhappy Beginning The early chapters of The Bible provide details of how the first man and woman came into existence: after the man’s physical body was created, we are told God ‘breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being’ (Genesis 2:7). God gave man and woman just one rule: they could freely eat of any of the fruit in the garden, except for that borne by one particular tree, which was forbidden. We later read how the woman succumbed to the temptation to eat that fruit, and how she also gave some of it to Adam. What it means to be a follower of Jesus A Serious Commitment There’s an amazing sense of urgency in the first chapter of Mark’s account of Jesus. Repeatedly we read the phase “and immediately....” Jesus called selected men to follow him and they responded straight away without hesitation. He calls to some fishermen, they HEAR and they RESPOND. They leave their family business and straightaway follow Jesus to hear his teachings and then to start to tell others about Jesus and his message. But what does it mean to our lives today to want to be a follower—a disciple—of Jesus? A Roman emperor intent on using religion to unify a collapsing empire, church leaders preventing people from reading the Bible, the humble printing press, and a lot of man facing bitter persecution because of their determination to seek Bible truth... they all played a part in making Christianity what it is today. But are today’s church teachings the same as they were when Christianity began? Throughout our lives we are probably all guilty of promising something and then failing to deliver. Most parents will have heard their children say: “But you promised!” at some point. One of the biggest promises people can make is the marriage vow: “until death do us part…” and yet the national divorce rate is estimated at 42%. But when God makes a promise it is different - here’s an example of what the Bible says: “God is not man, that he should lie, or a son of man, that he should change his mind. Has he said, and will he not do it? Or has he spoken, and will he not fulfil it? Facts about Jesus More evidence exists for Jesus’ life and execution than for Alexander the Great. For instance, non-Christian historians such as Josephus, Tacitus and Pliny all provide records of the man. The Jewish Talmud describes Jesus as a false prophet who was executed for blasphemy, and Thallus in AD52 recorded the events that occurred at Jesus’ death. But did Jesus subsequently rise from the dead? Circumstantial evidence for his resurrection seems overwhelming. At this week's evening Bible Talk, we thought about the power of God's word, and its effect on us. Romans 12:2 gives a useful starting point: " not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God" (Romans 12:2). Our speaker identified seven principles that we should aim for in our lives, in subjection to the Living Word of the Living God: 1. Acceptance (of teachings) 2. Respect (read as if in God’s presence, as if we hear His voice speaking) 3. Study (willingness to do so) 4. Professor Stephen Hawking stressed that there is no long-term future for humanity on the earth. ‘Spreading out may be the only thing that saves us from ourselves. I am convinced that humans need to leave Earth.’(1) The entrepreneur Elon Musk, founder of Spacex, said, ‘Humans need to be a ‘muliti-planet’ species…’in order to safeguard the existence of humanity in the event that something catastrophic were to happen.’ God, however, assures us that nothing is going to destroy the earth. Some people decide there is no God. This concept, propagated by the media, encourages some to go along with this idea. Others say their own particular view of God is the correct one, so in effect, create God in their own image. They like to think that God goes along with their ideas; a difficult concept to square with the many differing ‘ideologies’ people have come up with. Let’s find out the truth through God’s word. The phrase ‘The Word of God’ occurs 300 times in the Bible. God even offers proof: See Isaiah 46: 9-10, Micah 5:2, Isaiah 53. When making a case for an idea or a course of action, you are more likely to be heard by someone else if you have an agreed basis. For example, your strong opinion about how people should drive a car in a certain circumstance may seem reasonable to you, but if it doesn’t comply with the Highway Code it isn’t going to find wide agreement, is it? In matters to do with the Gospel of Christ, the role and authority of the whole Bible is important to finding and agreeing on ideas and practices.What Jesus did and why it matters
Is there really a life after death?
What it means to be a follower of Jesus
Introducing the Christadelphians
God’s Promises to YOU
The Resurrection of Jesus Christ
The Transforming Power of the Word of God
God’s Kingdom on Earth
Getting to know the God of the Bible
The Bible: the basis for belief
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