The Bible: the basis for belief

When making a case for an idea or a course of action, you are more likely to be heard by someone else if you have an agreed basis.  For example, your strong opinion about how people should drive a car in a certain circumstance may seem reasonable to you, but if it doesn’t comply with the Highway Code it isn’t going to find wide agreement, is it?

In matters to do with the Gospel of Christ, the role and authority of the whole Bible is important to finding and agreeing on ideas and practices.

One of the earliest churches was located in Berea, northern Greece and they followed a practice that was praised in Acts 17: 10-12. It was that they always read their Bible to check whether the teachings of the apostle Paul were in harmony with it. Such respect!

We can all have opinions and preferences for our cherished ideas about God and His wishes, but if they aren’t based on the authority of God’s word in the Bible, we might be in danger.

In the months to come, short summaries of talks held in Pershore will be shared that will be entirely based on the authority of the Bible: old and new testaments.  

Some of the ideas and practical issues arising may be challenging, but if we all humbly submit to the greater wisdom of God in His word, we will, as Jesus promised, seek and find. It has this power because, as 2 Timothy 3: 15-16 teaches us, it is God-breathed (inspired) and therefore enables us to believe and be saved from sin and death at Christ’s return in glory.

If you accept the Highway Code is an agreed basis for driving, get set for a series of liberating, though often obscured, ideas and practices of the Bible.

Our first summary will focus on who God is and what He wants.

Until then, may God bless you.

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